
Last updated: 11.12.2015


Located in Nantes, France, Effimune is a Biotech company specialized in Immune Regulation for applications in transplantation, autoimmunity and cancer immunotherapy. The originality of Effimune’s therapeutic strategy, compared to conventional immunosuppression, is the modification in the balance between effector and regulatory immune cells. The biological drugs Effimune develops aim to restore the natural balance of these cells by targeting the molecular checkpoint. The expertise of the company lies in its ability to identify new therapeutic targets and develop effective biomolecules for the pharmaceutical industry by validating preclinical and clinical phase I / II proofs of concept and guaranteeing the manufacture of pilot and clinical batches. Effimune is a spin-off of the Nantes Institute of Transplantation Urology Nephrology-(ITUN), created in December 2007.


Faculté de Médecine
1 Rue Gaston Veil 44035 Nantes Cedex
Tel: +33 (0) 2 40 412 834

email: contact@effimune.com

Web: effimune.com



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