Dutch Clinical Trial Foundation

Last updated: 01.12.2015


The aim of the Dutch Clinical Trial Foundation, DCTF in short, is to improve the environment for clinical research in the Netherlands. Its task is to bring together the most important stakeholders to collectively discuss obstacles in the field of clinical research, and propose solutions. The role of the DCTF is a coordinating one, as a facilitating platform.

The DCTF Annual Conference is an important event, offering everyone active in the field clinical research to come together and discuss actual topics. Examples of collaboration, initiated by DCTF are the ‘MasterPlan Optimization of Clinical Research Preparation’, the standardized Patient Information Form, a uniform insurance for all (mono center and multi center) clinical studies and the standardized Clinical Trial Agreement.

The public role of DCTF is growing. In the next two years, DCTF will ensure the practical implementation of the new European Clinical Trial Regulation by informing and training everyone who has to work with this Directive, now and in the future. The platform will define and standardize the ideal review process, in which the new Regulation will be implemented.   

This will positively contribute to DCTF’s ambition: optimizing the attractiveness of The Netherlands as a clinical research country, maintaining the international role in the development of drugs, vaccines and medical devices, but also playing a leading role in clinical research in a broader sense – in order to improve Dutch healthcare as a benefit for patients.

The DCTF was realized through cooperation of various parties. Representatives of these parties are also part of the General Board of the DCTF. These parties represent the university medical centers, government, contract research organizations, pharmaceutical industry, medical ethics committee, patients and others.

Contact details

Dutch Clinical Trial Foundation

Kuipersweg 2T

3449 JA  Woerden, The Netherlands

Phone: 0031 348 489323

e-mail: secretariaat@dctf.nl

website: www.dctf.nl

Office manager: Ilse van der Woude


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